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I have come to understand my use of ‘meditative’ with respect to  landscapes, as our underlying commitment to nature through  painting, is all about light and water, neither of which can be  painted directly. Treating light as pure source, the paintings are  an expression /realization of its effects’   water being transparent, always different, lets us explore /express  its infinite appearance through the very reflections that try to confine  it. Water is a perfect source of abstraction, transparent; we paint  the reflected sky above, the bottom revealed by passing clouds,  the edges contained by forests all around all sides.

(sold!) pickerel weed riding summer breezes

Micheal Zarowsky
watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel / The paintings are impressions of the particular. Water spilling reflections across the
surfaces of silent wetlands. Unique moments in time. Individual meditative moments,
quiet places that don’t reveal themselves easily, nor ask anyone to specifically to come
there; but once there don’t ask you to leave either
40.64 × 40.64 × 5.08 cm
watercolour / acrylic painted directly on gessoed panel

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