(sold!) We Found the Cheetah
- Artist
- Carolyn Laidley Arn
- Description
- Inspired by an unforgettable 2 weeks in the bush in Botswana, this piece emanates the thrill of discovery, capturing the essence of a profound experience—stumbling upon a family of cheetahs after an ardent three-day quest. Each layer pulsates with playful jubilance, inviting the viewer to traverse the sublime realms of nature's mysteries and the joy of serendipitous encounters. This composition reveals a tapestry of black and white ribbon shapes, interwoven in a symphony of fleeting moments.
- Year
- 2024
- Size
- 76.20 × 76.20 × 3.17 cm
- Category
- 2D Works
- Medium
- Acrylic, spray-paint, pencil, crayon, marker on maple tondo with cradled back
- Price
- $1,375