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Canada’s leading contemporary outdoor and online art fair

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Reproduction Policy

Only original works of art are allowed.

We understand and appreciate that artists may sell other products in addition to their artworks to support their business online and beyond. The following rules and policies are provided to ensure fairness to all participating artists and to the buying public. General merchandise will not be accepted; this includes branding and gift-shop items. The artist must have direct hands-on involvement in the creation and execution of each piece of work to be exhibited.

This policy has been adopted by TOAF’s board of directors to maintain the values and mission of TOAF, and to ensure an environment of originality and diversity unique to TOAF. Our goal is to give the public a chance to acquire original art, created by the hands of the artist. As the participating artist, you must be the designer, creator and producer of the work to be sold. No work produced or sourced by commercial means will be allowed. Please remember to be as specific as possible when describing the medium of your artwork in your application. A hard copy of your artist statement describing your process should be available in your booth at the Fair.

Characteristics of “reproductions” may include

  • That the work is not the product of the artist’s own hand.
  • That the number of reproducible copies is technically limitless.
  • That all copies are identical.
  • That the copies are produced by outside entities paid for their work, and the artist is not involved in the process.

The Following are Prohibited

  • Reproductions of original artworks on merchandise (Postcards, posters, calendars, note cards, greeting cards and notebooks, buttons/pins etc.)
  • Clothing of any kind (if not accepted for textiles) including pillows, t-shirts, pants, bags, pouches, belts, hair ornaments, hats
  • Traditional crafts such as soaps, calligraphy, candles etc.
  • Giclée (Except photography/digital media categories, see below for restrictions)
  • Reproductions of original paintings and illustrations (including hand-transfer prints)
  • Prints from a commercial printing press
  • Work purchased from an outside source for resale
  • Production artwork in any category
  • Commercial/Manufactured jewellery forms, and kits
  • Work created by kits
  • Decoupage
  • Ceramics cast from commercial molds, unaltered
  • Exterior commercial signage or displays
  • Unsigned artwork or work not using archival material
  • Artwork not in the category in which the artist applied and was accepted
  • Please note: Only artists who included jewellery in their application may display and sell jewellery.


Photography, Digital Media and Printmaking

Since the nature of these media is inherently edition-based, they are the only exception. Only limited (25 maximum of the same image in any size), numbered and signed editions of digital, computer or photography based works, will be allowed and must be marked as “limited edition prints.” Methods of creating multi-copy art in limited runs, such as intaglio, lithography, relief painting and other traditional printmaking means, are not considered reproductions. TOAF staff and board reserve the right to inspect your booth and verify edition numbers at any point during the Fair.


TOAF will advise artists of any work that does not meet art fair standards and may take any action deemed necessary for compliance including your dismissal from the Fair, without refund or any other claim, at any time. Artists dismissed from the Fair, for this reason, maybe deemed ineligible to participate in future Fairs.

Your checkbox in your application acts as your digital signature and indicates that you fully understand and agree that in the event that you are deemed to have violated the reproduction policy with the result that your application is disqualified or your dismissal from the Fair, you will not be eligible for any refund or compensation from TOAF or their affiliates and you will not hold them financially responsible or liable in any way.

If you are at any point unsure whether your work violates the reproduction policy please contact TOAF staff at 416.408.2754 or [email protected] for clarification prior to the Fair; no exceptions will be made on-site for merchandise or reproductions to be exhibited.

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