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Sage Szkabarnicki-Stuart


Sage is a 25 year-old photographer based in Toronto. Sage has received numerous awards and is a Magenta Foundation 2019 winner (female-identifying), an Emerging Artist Grant recipient from the Toronto Arts Council (2019), and she had a featured solo exhibition at the Scotiabank CONTACT festival (2020). She is exhibited both within Canada and abroad.

'Animal Logic' is a series of photographs that celebrates the surprising, sometimes overlooked history of animal and human relationships within the Canadian historical context. The artist uses self portraiture to reflect on her experience with animals and environments that surround her in day-to-day life: a newcomer to Toronto in 2018, Sage began learning about local history by researching and the city’s flora and fauna. The 'Animal Logic' series reexamines binaries like native/nonnative, protected/pest from a new perspective, by exploring the historical relationships between humans and animals and how they're expressed today.

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