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Kim Land


I have always had the need to work with my hands so when I found this medium, naturally, I had to try it too. Yes there were quite a few trial pieces before I dove into a ‘real’ piece but it did turn out amazing and I haven’t stop creating since that first piece in 2017.

These light sculptures are either 10 layers of tissue paper or 2 layers of washi paper with a decorative washi paper as the final layer. Small pieces of paper are layered individually with the end result being a very organic and fluid feel. The light that is emitted is subdued and ambient which most people find very calming.
Why does this medium say about me?
Chillax and appreciate the beauty of nature wherever you are. I love to surround myself with nature and get immense satisfaction when I see the people’s reactions when they first see my art. I know they love it as much as I do.
Seeing light sculptures in person is very different from pictures. Come see me at Booth #176.

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