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Steve Kean


Toronto based photographer and artist Steve Kean is originally from Sudbury, Ontario. He has been living in Toronto for nearly 30 years. Kean came to photography while in high school where, ironically, he was failing art class. His disability made it difficult for him to draw or paint, but he still had a burning need to create art. A camera was the answer for him.

Steve has been participating in the Toronto Outdoor Art Fair for several years, and was named Best in Photography and Digital Media in 2017 for his series entitled, Moving Landscapes. See more of his work on his website.

For the 2023 TOAF, Steve returns with new work in the Moving Landscapes series as well as some enduring favourites.

Feel free to ask about custom sizes.

ARTIST STATEMENT- MOVING LANDSCAPES: Growing up and seeing the world from a wheelchair, I didn’t think I would ever focus my photography on landscapes. A twist of fate helped change my perspective and lead me to where I am today. The images in this series were made in the space between cities. From moving trains and buses.

Moving Landscapes explores the intersection of the natural world and the one created by man. It is not lost on me that the very roads and rails upon which I have travelled were made by humans and slice through what was once unspoiled Nature. Moving through those scenes at great speeds and showing that in my pictures is a reminder of the fragile and fleeting beauty of Mother Earth. Hopefully, it is also a wakeup call for us all that every one of us bears some responsibility for taking care of the only home we have in the universe.

*Don't worry if you see a SOLD sticker next to one of my pieces. They are each Limited Editions of 7 prints, so you might still have a chance to purchase it (The edition number currently on sale is in the title of each item).

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