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John Carstens

Nathan Phillips Square
Booth 167

John Carstens (b. 1967) has worked in graphic design, architecture, and computer programming. Now as full-time artist he indulges in blending these interdisciplinary skills.

His work embraces indirect realism — a belief that reality is not directly observed, but rather inferred from the mind's interpretation of sensory experiences. Perception is a compilation of fragmentary impressions reformed into a cohesive understanding.

Inspired by divisionism from the Neo-impressionists, John amplifies mathematical patterns found in nature (Voronoi cells) and process colour techniques (CMYK, halftones, Ben-Day dots). This conveys a distinctive aura of ambiguity — a paradox of precision and abstraction. Each shape acts as a universe of its own, orchestrating an interconnected reality.

Viewers are invited to question the fidelity of their perception and immerse themselves in the open-ended interpretation of our world.

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