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Jeff Riffle


"The octopus saved me. Weird statement I know. During the Covid lockdowns I found myself struggling artistically on all levels. I felt inspiration had all but dried up. It was frustrating and heartbreaking. One day while cleaning my studio waiting for that elusive lightning bolt of inspiration to hit I came across a list I had made of animals I’d like to one day paint. Animals not being my usual subject matter, I thought now’s as good a time as any, nothing else seems to be working. The first on the list was, you guessed it, an octopus. BOOM! INSPIRATION HAD STRUCK! It was love at first brush stroke. The colour combinations, beauty of movement and organic gracefulness make these exciting and fun to create. That is how this current series was launched and how an octopus saved my trust in my own art." Originally from Ohio, Jeff moved to Toronto in 2010. He continues his Art Studio and exhibitions in several Toronto venues. He enjoys and has a strong body of commission work and requests. This is Jeffs 3rd year in the TOAF and is excited to be back at Nathan Phillips Square.

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